Having bad breath is not only embarrassing, but it could also be a sign of a bigger problem. While an odorous mouth is a completely normal side effect of eating something fragrant (garlic, anyone?), your dentist in Auburn wants you to know that chronic bad breath is something that warrants a dental visit sooner rather… Read More
Seeing your dentist in Auburn in order to protect your heart may seem like strange advice, but in fact, there is a strong connection between oral health and heart health. To help celebrate Heart Health Month this February, we’d like to educate our patients and neighbors on just how important regular dental care is to… Read More
During this time of the year, it seems as if everyone we encounter is sneezing, sniffling, or coughing. While we do as much as we can to avoid getting a cold, sometimes we just get sick. When we do get a case of the coughs we just want it to go away, so we will… Read More
When we accidentally bite our lip, the pain that follows can be concerning. The zing of pain, and maybe even some blood, can certainly cause us to think that we may have just done some serious damage. But is lip-biting actually bad for you? Let’s check in with your dentist in Auburn to see just… Read More
Getting whiter teeth is one of the most popular things people want for their smiles, and your dentist in Auburn doesn’t blame them. Whiter teeth are often viewed as more attractive and make you appear healthier and more approachable than dull, discolored teeth. While we all know that there are tons of foods out there… Read More
Many people, both children, and adults alike, have crooked teeth. Occasionally, crooked teeth can contribute to poor self-esteem and loss of confidence. But even if crooked teeth don’t bother someone mentally, your dentist in Auburn may still be worried. The truth is, crooked teeth can lead to some oral health (and overall health) complications, some… Read More
The Great American Smokeout is hosted on the third Thursday of every November. Its purpose is to help smokers set a day to work towards a smoke-free life. As you probably know, quitting smoking can help you get healthier, but it can also protect your children’s health, too. The truth is, those who live with… Read More
Every year millions of Americans get knocked down by the flu and suffer the miserable sniffles, annoying coughs, and unbearable body aches. Flu season usually runs from about October through February, but this year, your dentist in Auburn is here to provide you with some things you can do to help prevent the flu from… Read More
Having the pleasure of being a dentist in Auburn means we get to help treat so many wonderful patients and their families. It also means we get to work alongside some fantastic folks! This month we’re pausing to appreciate everyone in our office and dental practices across the country, especially our outstanding dental hygienists. Without… Read More
Some patients truly have a hard time or struggle with anxiety about seeing the dentist. For some patients, it’s been years since they last saw a dentist in Auburn. For other folks, they’re regular dental patients… but they still feel butterflies when it’s time for treatment. We’re here to tell you that having a relaxing… Read More